Eliris organic extra virgin olive oil Easter 2015 Promotion

Easter is fast approaching and we’re running an Easter promotional draw!
We’re giving you the chance to win two fantastic prizes. First prize is a case of 4 Eliris gift tubes worth over £100 – delivered direct to your door and second prize, a £10 Selfridges gift card*
How to Enter
Each Eliris gift tube purchased from Selfridges, London** – up to and including Easter Monday – will count as one entry into our Easter draw – so the more you buy, the more chances you have of winning.
Simply send a photo or scan of your receipt to sam@elirisgreece.com by Monday 6th April 2015. The winners will be notified via email shortly after.
There is limited stock available, so the lucky few will have great chances to win. If you don’t find Eliris on the shelf, please ask a member of staff for availability.
Good luck! and have a very Happy Easter!
Best wishes, Sam & Iris
* Redeemable online and in any of their stores.
** Offer available while stocks last.